Nifty News asks a question that you may never have thought of before – is there candy that can pair with sake?

There might just be. The candy in question is from Papa Bubble, a specialist company based in Spain that makes a range of unusually flavoured sweets by hand. Some of their flavours are part of a new “Tosa otsumami mix” compiled by Suigei Shuzō, based in the Tosa area of Shikoku.

The sake-matching mix contains katsuo (bonito), dashi, ginger and shiokara (salted and fermented fish or fish organs) flavours.

The powerful katsuo flavour is made from dried frigate tuna caught in Tosa, accented with black pepper. The dashi flavour combines savoury umami and sweetness, making sake go down oh so easily. The ginger candy tastes like yuzu pickled in sweet vinegar. And the final flavour has all the flavour of salted and fermented bonito intestine without having to eat the real thing.

As well as sake-specific flavours, the candy also has the pleasantly crunchy and crumbly texture that Papa Bubble is known for and a cute pop aesthetic for the design.  Packs retail for JPY 593 (tax included).


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