Sake & chocolate pairing at
Salon du Sake 2024
Thank you for coming to the sake & chocolate pairing workshop at Salon du Sake 2024!
The sake and chocolate used in the workshop are listed below. Please keep on exploring and discovering new favourites!

Kome dake no yasashii omoiyari
Koyama Honke, Saitama Prefecture (小山本家、埼玉県)
Available in France from Kioko

Suigei tokubetsu junmai (酔鯨特別純米)
Suigei brewery, Kochi Prefecture (酔鯨酒造、高知県)
Available in France from Galerie K (1.8 L bottle only)

X3 Amairo (X3亜麻色)
Kinmon Akita brewery, Akita Prefecture
Available in France from Midorinoshima

Kiyomori Heian Nigori (清盛 濃厚芳醇平安濁酒)
Enoki brewery, Hiroshima Prefecture (榎酒造、広島県)
Available in France from Midorinoshima

Taza Chocolate
Available from craft chocolate or Mexican food shops